
5 Steps for a Seamless Cloud Migration

cloud migration

As organizations accelerate their digital transformation initiatives, cloud migration has become more of an imperative than an option. According to IDC, 40% of organizations have increased their investment in cloud technologies due to the pandemic’s far-reaching implications. While transitioning to the cloud offers numerous benefits—from scalability and flexibility to cost-efficiency—it is a complex process fraught with challenges. Here is a structured roadmap for a seamless cloud migration journey.

1. Conducting a Cloud Readiness Assessment

A comprehensive readiness assessment is the foundation of a successful cloud migration. It offers an opportunity to understand your current IT environment, identify gaps, and plan resources.


According to a study by Forrester, organizations that fail to conduct a thorough readiness assessment are 30% more likely to encounter migration delays and cost overruns. For instance, Dow Jones’ initial cloud migration ran into issues due to the lack of a detailed readiness assessment.

2. Selecting the Appropriate Cloud Model (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)

Different cloud models serve different business needs. Picking the right model can significantly influence operational efficiency and the migration’s overall success.


Gartner reports that 75% of businesses that choose the wrong cloud model end up migrating again within two years. Adobe, for example, switched from IaaS to PaaS to better align with their business goals, thus saving significant operational costs.

3. Planning and Executing Data Migration

The actual data migration is often the most complex and critical phase, requiring meticulous planning and execution.


Data migration costs can easily surpass original estimates by up to 50% if not carefully planned, according to Accenture. Dropbox successfully migrated 500 petabytes of data by adhering to a detailed migration plan.

4. Post-migration Auditing and Optimization

An effective migration doesn’t end once the data is in the cloud; it requires ongoing monitoring to ensure everything is functioning as expected.


Up to 40% of cloud spending is wasted on unused or overprovisioned resources, as reported by ParkMyCloud. Netflix saved around $800,000 per year through post-migration optimization.

5. Governance and Compliance Checks

Maintaining governance and compliance is crucial in a cloud environment, especially given the shared responsibility model between cloud providers and customers.


Failure to meet compliance can result in substantial fines. British Airways was fined $230 million for GDPR violations that could have been mitigated with appropriate cloud governance and compliance measures.

Migrating to the cloud is a monumental task that requires strategic planning, execution, and ongoing management. However, the benefits of successful cloud migration can be transformative for an organization.

By following these simple steps, technology leaders can navigate the intricacies of the migration process and position their organizations for a more scalable and agile future. Given the uptick in cloud investments and the complexities involved, there has never been a more critical time to get cloud migration right.


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