Sample Change Management Plan
U.S. $99 – U.S. $299

Product Description offers a Sample Change Management plan which is customizable to needs of an enterprise undergoing a major transformation. As companies embark on transformations, more frequently and furiously, in the digital age, the need for change management is crystal clear. Instead of drafting a change management plan from scratch, the Sample Change Management Plan acts as a starting point, a springboard, and an accelerator.
What is a Sample Change Management Plan?
Change management is a management discipline that addresses how to manage the people side of organizational change systematically. A change management plan codifies what why how who and when so that the transformational change management process becomes efficient and effective. A sample change management plan accelerates the development of such a plan.
Most large-scale transformation programs fail or underperform. In a majority of the cases, change management is underfunded, poorly resourced, and is an afterthought. To increase the odds of success of any transformation program, it is essential to make change management an integral part of the overall program management. And change management cannot be just a matter of training and demos. It must be a holistic approach to impacting the culture, mindset, and behaviors through executive commitment, constant communications, transparency and visibility into the transformation, clear articulation of benefits of change and risks of not changing, and tools/training/templates et al to help teams in getting ready for a new normal.
The sample change management plan from is a pre-built and customizable proforma plan which enterprise transformation teams can tailor to the needs of the program.
What does the Sample Change Management Plan deliverable contain?
- An overview of the concept of Change Management
- A historical perspective and what works and does not with regards to enterprise change
- What change management means in the digital age?
- Change Management Framework
- A Sample Change Management Plan using a fictitious firm as a representative example
BTW, the change management we are dealing with here is not the same as “Change Control” in SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle).
What are the advantages of buying a Sample Change Management Plan?
- Accelerated time to value by using the pre-built and customizable content.
- Time saved by not having to research and assemble various aspects such as the change management models and a change management framework
- Minimize the opportunity cost of SMEs time in drafting a change plan from scratch.
But, our Change Management needs are Different…
Yes, we understand each company may be slightly different, and the transformation needs are diverse, and hence the change management effort and content may vary. However, Change Management is a universal discipline that cuts across and is a way to foster a new normal to become business as usual. So, we believe about 75%-80% of the content and concepts will be universally applicable. Of course, if your change management needs are really unique and you are looking for a “Template”, not a plan with content, then you may want to consider Change Management Plan Template.
- As the Sample Change Management Plan is a digital product, there are absolutely NO Returns.
- Depending on your industry, the type of Change Management processes and practices, some of the content may not be relevant to you.
- If you are a consultant or a consulting company, there is different pricing, license, and terms.
- Sold on an as-is basis and no warranties.
- This sale does not include implementation help or support. If you need professional services assistance, please contact us.
- Please review our standard terms of service.
Sample Change Management Plan
U.S. $99 – U.S. $299